Tutorial 5: Jupyter Notebooks on VS Code

May 20, 2022

Jupyter Notebooks is an open-source project that combines Markdown text and executable Python source code on one canvas.

In Tutorial 3 we lhave earn how to set up Python enviroment. Once the appropriate environment is activated, we can create and open a Jupyter Notebook.

Step 1: Install Jupyter Notebook Extension

Search Jupyter in extension marketplace:


Make sure it is developed by Microsoft, install it. jupyter2

Step 2: Create or Open a Jupyter Notebook

Open the Command Palete in top menu View > Command Palette:


Then search Jupyter: Create New Jupyter Notebook from Command Palette: open

Or click New File then choose Jupyter Notebook .ipynb: new1

On the created Jupyter Notebook, click Seletc kernel in the top right to select an environment: new2

Here we choose Python 3.10.4: new3

If you have an existing Jupyter Notebbok file, you can open it by right-clicking on the file and open with VS Code.


CLICK HERE is the link to Jupyter Notebook file hello.ipynb, you can download and try to open it.

Step 3: Run single code cell

Once you have a Notebook, you can run a code cell by clicking the Run icon to the left of the cell.

cell The output will appear directly below the code cell: cell

It may ask you to install the ipykernel package of your Python version, just click install, it will automatically install for you. Once the installation finished, you can run the cell by clicking Run icon. cell

Step 4: Add additional code cells

Code cells can be added to a Notebook using the main toolbar, a cell’s add cell toolbar (visible with hover): add

Click any + Code will add a new cell directly below the current selected cell. add

Step 5: Run multiple code cells:

We can run all code cells together by clicking Run All, then the results of every cell will be displayed under the cells:


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